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S172 of the Companies Act 2006

The Directors of the Company, as those of all UK companies, must act in accordance with a set of general duties which are detailed in section 172 of the Companies Act 2006. These duties include a duty by the Directors of the Company to act in a way they consider, in good faith, would be most likely to promote the success of the Company for the benefit of its shareholders as a whole and, in doing so, have had regard to and recognised the importance of considering all stakeholders and other matters (as set out in s.172(1)(a-f) of the Act) in its decision-making.

a) The likely consequences of any decision in the long term.

Our business plan was designed to have a long-term beneficial impact on the Company and to contribute to its success in delivering high-quality contracting solutions across the globe. All key decisions regarding the future of the Company are discussed in detail, at quarterly board meetings.

b) The interests of the Company’s employees.

We continually invest into apprenticeship schemes, training, development and wellbeing. We value our employees as our greatest asset, they are fundamental to the delivery of our plan and vision for the Company. The health, safety and wellbeing of our employees is always paramount when decisions are made across the business.

The Directors endeavour to create an environment where people can develop their skills and career and feel engaged and part of a successful business.

c) The need to foster the Company’s business relationships with contractors, suppliers, customers, and others.

To ensure we’re working with reputable suppliers who share our ethical and moral standards, we have robust procedures in place for assessing new suppliers. Further information on suppliers can be found in section 8 of our Business Ethics Policy, published on our website. This helps us build on our reputation for having a positive social and environmental impact and makes clear the high ethical standards that we operate. Interaction with our suppliers and treating suppliers fairly allows us to drive higher standards and reduce risk in our supply chain whilst benefitting from cost efficiencies and positive environmental outcomes.

A close working relationship with our customers is essential to being able to understand and provide them with market leading services they require. Our talented teams are dedicated to making sure we constantly challenge and improve what we do, providing confidence in quality delivery and compliance in everything we do. It is this experience, expertise and creativity that fulfils our customer’s needs and builds long term successful relationships.

d) The impact of the Company’s operations on the community and the environment.

By contributing to the wider society this enables us to create stronger communities and have a positive environmental impact. The Company's approach to environmental and social matters is of high importance and we play an active part in the local community by sponsoring sports clubs, donating to charitable events, as well as positive interaction by participation in local and wider area careers events for military service leavers.

Although our UK energy consumption levels are low, an energy reduction plan has been instigated to reduce head office consumption.

Travel to and from the sites where the work activities are undertaken is an essential element of the Company and its employees / contractors’ activities. Wherever possible, direct flights are arranged to minimise the distances travelled and where practical, economy seats are booked to reduce the per passenger impact associated with our employees.

e) The desirability of the Company maintaining a reputation for high standards of business conduct.

The board of directors ensure the business maintains the highest possible standard for business conduct. We have a Business Ethics Policy, which applies across the business and is reviewed regularly by the board. This covers, but isn’t limited to; human rights, workers’ rights, conflicts of interest, information and confidentiality, shareholders, bribery and corruption.

f) The need to act fairly between members of the Company.

As a long-standing privately owned business, the relationship between the Shareholders and Directors is very important and is a key influence on the future success of the business. The Directors provide information on Company strategy and performance, being always honest and transparent. Value is generated for shareholders by supporting the overall Company to deliver the business plan. Shareholders can ask questions regarding the business and are provided with a copy of the Annual Report and regular financial updates after quarterly Board meetings.